First of all we must explain one thing... CrossFit has different definitions. When we talk about training, we define it such that "CrossFIt are functional movements, constantly varied, executed at high intensity." If we want something even shorter and more general, we could define it as "The sport of Fitness". However, all of us who have already immersed ourselves in this great ocean, know that CrossFit is nothing more than a lifestyle. Nutrition, training, healthy lifestyle habits and the deep value of our community are inherently connected to make sense of CrossFit. We wanted to take this to the next level. This project was born with the idea that all of this must evolve, improve. The desire to learn, understand that your body is more important than your ego, enjoy suffering every day. At IronBuster we are obliged to awaken all these aspects in each of you while we provide you with the necessary knowledge to stay healthy, with the motivation to eat and cook in a healthy way, learning to optimize the day to day to finding yourself the best possible and evolving technically and physically. As Greg Glassmann would say, "The greatest adaptations in CrossFit occur between the ears."